Packet switching is a method of communication where data is communicated using packets across a network, sent across the most efficient route which can vary for each packet
Circuit switching is a method of communication where a direct link is created between two devices, maintained for the entire conversation between devices
A firewall is a device designed to prevent unauthorized access to a network, consisting of two network interface cards between the user and the Internet
Packet filtering/static filtering limits network access according to administrator rules and policies by examining source IP, destination IP, protocols, and ports
Encryption is a way of keeping data secure when transmitting over the Internet, making data unreadable if intercepted and using keys for encryption and decryption
A gateway is used when protocols differ between networks, translating protocols so networks can communicate by removing the header from packets before adding data using the new protocol
Client-server networks consist of terminals (clients) connected to a central, powerful computer (server) that holds important information and resources
Peer-to-peer networks connect computers to share files, each device acting as both a server and client, used in piracy due to difficulty in tracing file origins