Pentose phosphate pathway undergoes three stages; NADPH is produced, pentoses undergo isomerization, and glycolyticintermediates are recovered
The pathway provides NADPH for reductive biosynthesis, and R5P for nucleotide synthesis
ATP in terms of its exergonic cleavage is coupled to many endergonic cell functions
Many endergonic reactions, notably the reductivebiosynthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol require NADPH and ATP
Cells would capture free energy of metabolite oxidation as NADH to synthesize ATP in oxidativephosphorylation
Cells capture free energy as NADPH for reductivebiosynthesis
NADPH can be generated by the hexosemonophosphateshunt (pentose phosphate pathway)
30% of the glucose oxidation in the liver happens in the pentosephosphatepathway than glycolysis
Dehydrogenases oxidizes the reaction while the enzyme produces a proton and NADPH
Reaction 1 is where Glucose 6 phosphate is oxidized by glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase with a cofactor NADP+ which transfers a hydrideion to NADPH forming 6 phosphoglucono delta lactone
Reaction 2 is where 6 Phosphogluconolactonase and a cofactor of H2O opens the ring of 6 phosphoglucono delta lactone to form 6 phosphogluconate and a hydrogenion
Reaction 3 is where 6 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase oxidativelycarboxylated 6 phosphogluconate to produce ribulose 5 phosphate, NADPH, and CO2
Stage 1 involves oxidativereactions with glucose - 6 - phosphate - dehydrogenase and NADP+, which yield NADPH and H+ and ribulose-5-phosphate
The overall reaction in stage 1 involves an irreversiblereaction
Reactions 4 and 5 are where ribulose-5-phosphate is either isomerized or epimerized to ribose-5-phosphate or xylulose-5-phosphate respectively
The enzyme that isomerates Ru5P is ribulose-5-phosphate-isomerase
The enzyme that epimerizes Ru5P is ribulose-5-phosphate-epimerase
The overall reaction in stage 2 involves a reversible reaction
In stage 3, a series of C-C bonds cleavage and formation reactions that convert two molecules of Xu5P and one molecule of R5P to two molecules of F6P and one molecule of GAP
Step 6 is where Xylulose-5-phosphate with Ribose-5-phosphate accepts a 2 carbon ketol group from Xylulose 5-phosphate producing Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate and GAP
Step 7 is where the S7P transfers its ketol and adjacent hydroxyl group to GAP by transaldolase forming F6P and Erythrose-4-phosphate
In step 8, Xu5P donates its 2 carbon ketol group to E4P by a transketolase forming F6P and GAP
The sum of reactions in Stage 3 is 2Xu5P + R5P <-> 2F6P + GAP
The overall reactions of pentose phosphate pathway is 3G6P+6NADH+3H2​O<−>2F6P+3GAP+6H++6NADPH+3CO2​
G6P can be produced from either the hexokinase of glucose, or from the glycogen breakdown
The first three reactions of the pentose phosphate pathway are involved in the NADPH production
6-Phosphogluconolactonase increases the rate of hydrolysis of 6 phosphoglucono delta lactone to 6 phosphogluconate
6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of 6-phosphogluconate to Ru5p, NADPH and CO2
The relative amounts of Ribose 5 Phosphate (R5P) and Xylulose 5 Phosphate (Xu5P) produced from Ru5P depend on the needs of the cell
NADH is oxidized by the respiratory chain to generate ATP
NADPH serves as a reductant in biosynthetic processes
NADPH and NADH are not interchangeable
PPP would address the physiological need of an organism such as ATP, NADPH and ribose and other glycolytic products
NADH is an adenylic acid that is phosphorylated at the carbon 2 of sugar
NADPH has no positive charge and it is replaced it with hydrogen
NAD+ is the more predominant species than NADH, which favors metabolite oxidation
NADPH is the more predominant species than NADP+ near a ratio of 0.01, which favors reductive biosynthesis
Majority of tissues in PPP is where lipids are synthesized except of the red blood cells which requires the maintenance of reduced glutathione
The flux of the pathway would depend on the need of the organism because this pathway is closely linked to glycolysis
3 Molecules of Glucose 6 phosphate are needed to produce 6 NADPH, and 3 Ribulose5 Phosphate in step 1