Job manufacturing is one-off production, each product is made to customerrequirements and is therefore unique. This means the person producing the product has to spend considerabletime on it, making it more expensive
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of job manufacturing
One advantage of job production is each piece is made to the customers exact requirements therefore being more personal
One disadvantage is the products are more expensive because they are labor-intensive and this makes it more difficult to compete with other businesses
Define the term batch manufacturing
Batch manufacturing is when goods are produced in batches so several of the same product is made. Once the first batch is produced the second is made, this speedsup the manufacturingtime
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of batch manufacturing
One advantage of batch production is the workers may specialise to some degree
One disadvantage of batch production is the work is less interesting than jobproduction and becomes repetitive
Define the term flow production
Flow production is also known as mass production or assemblyline production. Its the method typically used in factories and involves one product being made continuously and in larged numbers. The product moves along an assemblyline and parts are added on the way
Give one and advantage and one disadvantage of flow production
One advantage of flow production is the final product is inexpensive meaning there is good profit margins
One disadvantage is the work is repetitive and boring
Define the term process manufacturing
Process manufacturing refers to the manufacturing of goods which cannot be disassembled. It involves the combination of ingredients according to a formula or recipe rather than assembly of parts. This manufacturing is usually in bulk and the manufacturing is continuous
Identify and explain the four types of specialization
There are four types of specialization, the first type is product meaning specialising in one particular product. Another type is process this is using a particular way of producingproduct. Another type is function this is specialising in a particular job. The final type is country for example France specializes in wine
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of specialization
One advantage of specialisation is people can work at jobs which suit their specialskills or training.
One disadvantage is specialized workers are trained in only oneskill so it may be difficult for them to find otherwork if they become redundant
Explain the term division of labor
Division of labour is a certain type of specialization which involves each employee being giving a singletask which they do repeatedly
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of division of labor
One advantage of division of labour is more efficient as a worker becomes more skilled at the job they are doing and therefore produces more.
One disadvantage is the workers may become bored and demotivated because they are doing repetitive tasks. Risks of accidents increase due to loss of concentration
List the two types of inventory
There are two types of inventory, rawmaterials for use in making products and the finishproducts ready for sale
Explain two benefits of having good inventory control
One benefit of having good inventory control is improvedefficiency because manufacturing will be constant
Another benefit is enables the business to always meetdemands of customers
Explain two implications of poor inventory control
One implication of poor inventory control is it means that cconsumer demandscannot be met.
Another implication is it requires extrawarehousespace which the business then has to pay for
Explain the term minimum inventory level method
The business works out the minimum amount of inventory with which it can function. Inventory is re-ordered when that level is reached. A difficulty with this is if there is a delay between orderinggoods and them being delivered, a factory may have to ceaseproduction or a retailshop may not have goods to sell
Explain the term batch inventory control method
This method would be associated with processmanufacturing rather than with industries which make products in a continuousflow. It simply calculates the value of the inventoryheld and available for manufacturing
Explain the term first and first out (FIFO)
This method of inventory control is based on selling the oldest inventory first and selling or using inventory in rotation. This method accurately assignscosts to inventory as the oldest goods bought maybe lessexpensive
Explain the term just in time method
When using this method products are manufacturedjust in time for them to be sold. The raw materials or parts which are needed for making the final product are ordered and arrive just in time for is manufacturer. This means largeamount of goods are not held in warehouses waiting to be used or sold
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using just in time method for inventory control
One advantage of the justintime method is capital is used very effectively and products should be cheaper
One disadvantage of the just in time method is the business is very dependent on having a very efficientorderingsystem
Explain the impact of technology on manufacturing
One major advantage is an improvement on the quality of the finished product as the quality of the product is standardized and the possibility of humanerror is minimized.
One major disadvantage is possible redundancies of employees as the increase in automated jobs can cause staff redundancies as previous skills or no longer required and new ones are needed