Cards (12)

  • When does cue dependent forgetting occur?

    When information can't be accessed because the cue provided aren't sufficient
  • What is hard to show?
    If information has been permanently lost from LTM
  • What are the 3 types of cues?
    Verbal, context and state
  • What is a verbal cue?
    Words that cue the memory
  • What type of cue is a verbal cue?

  • What is a context cue?
    The place is cueing the memory
  • What type of cue is a context cue?

  • What is a state cue?
    Emotion is cueing the memory
  • What type of cue is a state cue?
  • What happens if any or all these cues are absent?
    Forgetting is likely
  • Why is the forgetting likely?
    When you encode a memory you are encoding many kinds of information
  • What types of things can act ad cue to help recall?
    Verbal information, visual/auditory/olfactory/tactile information, emotional state at the time and the information about the setting you are in