Static Electricity & Electric Fields & Air

Cards (11)

  • What is static electricity?
    Build up of charge on insulators
  • In conducting items when rubbed together...
    Conducting items like metal when rubbed together electrons travel to the other item but flow straight back as they can conduct :|
  • Insulating items when rubbed together...
    Electrons transfer from one to another because of friction and unable to move back, leaving one positive and one negative.
  • If an item keeps gaining electerons, potential difference will be made between the item and earth objects.
  • What are earth objects?
    Objects that have 0v Pd.
  • If Potential difference is large enough between item and earth what happens?
    Electrons can JUMP, this is called a spark.
  • Although it's rare charges can build up on conductors . 😊
  • Cars can become charged because of friction with wind.
  • Arrows in field diagrams must always be perpendicular to the proton/electron.
  • Arrows always come out of positive and into negative
  • If we had a strong charged metal what would happen (possibly) to the air around it?
    Because if strong electric field from the charged metal: the air around it loses electrons to give to the charged metal which ionises the air, air can now conduct electricity, this is how Sparks travel through air.