President after WWI who campaigned on the idea of "return to normalcy."
Herbert Hoover
Led the idea of volunteerism and the the Food Administration during WWI, became President in the late 1920s, and used that idea when the depression hit...not good.
Teapot Dome scandal
This is where Secretary of the Interior leased government land to a private oil company and pocketed a lot of money. We aren't sure if Harding knew about it, because he died. Hmmm, no conspiracy herre.
Welfare Capitalism
The idea of businesses providing service to their employees such as health care, subsidized housing, etc.
Charles Lindbergh
Aviator and hero of the 1920s who flew across the Atlantic.
Margaret Sanger
She was a leading advocate of birth control awareness.
Carefree young women with short, "bobbed" hair, heavy makeup, and short skirts. They symbolized the new "liberated" woman of the 1920s. Many people saw the bold, boyish look and shocking behavior as a sign of changing morals.
The Lost Generation
Writers and painters in the 1920s. They were often characterized by their disgust in the materialistic glamour of the time and were more interested in the existential. They were somewhat cynical and expressed frustration and disillusionment with the ideals and materialism in the 1920s.
Earnest Hemingway
American writer and journalist; he wrote "A Farewell to Arms", "The Old Man and the Sea", and "The Sun Also Rises". He was a veteran of WWI, belongs to literary movement called 'The Lost Generation
T.S Eliot
This poet of the Lost Generation portrayed a world of growing desolation but eventually hoped cautiously for humanity's salvation
He belonged to the Lost Generation of writers. He wrote the famous novel "The Great Gatsby" which explored the glamour and cruelty of an achievement-oriented society.
Harlem Renaissance
Black artistic movement in New York City in the 1920s, when writers, poets, painters, and musicians came together to express feelings and experiences, especially about the injustices of Jim Crow.
Langston Hughes
African American poet who described the rich culture of african American life using rhythms influenced by jazz music. He wrote of African American hope and defiance, as well as the culture of Harlem and also had a major impact on the Harlem Renaissance
This guy was the leader of the Back to Africa movement, but they convicted him of fraud and sent him... back to Jamaica. He was all about black pride and nationalism and inspired future leaders like Malcolm X.
Scopes Trial
This monkey business was over the issue or whether or not evolution could be taught in schools, but was symbolic of the battle between fundamentalism and modernism occurring in the 1920s.
Clarence Darrow
A noted defense lawyer for radical and lost causes, was John Scopes's defense attorney. His defense rested on "exposing" the "illogical" faith of religious fundamentalists like William Jennings Bryan
A nickname given to the prohibition movement, which called attention to the unlikelihood of its success.
Illegal bars that sold illegal alcohol that was smuggled from places such as canada
21 amendment
This amendment made it legal to drink again. It was passed during the great depression.
18 amendment
This amendment made alcohol illegal. You got this. It is a number. And an amendment.
Volstead Act
Bill passed by Congress to enforce the language of the amendment regarding prohibition. This bill made the manufacture and distribution of alcohol illegal within the borders of the United States.
Immigration Act of 1921
limited immigration to 3 percent of the number of foreign-born persons from a given nation counted in the 1910 census.
National Origin Act 1924
This act established a system for immigration that highly favored Northern Europeans over all others by stating only 2 percent of each ethnicity could enter the country based on the 1890 Census data (which was before the influx of Eastern Europeans).
Sacco and Vanzetti
These anarchists were executed for murder, even though there was little hard evidence, showing the fear people had during the Red Scare.
Birth of a nation
Movie that portrayed KKK members during Reconstruction as HEROS.
Washington's Conference 1921
Nine different nations agreed to limit the production of big battleships (but not little ones) and respect each other's territory and the Open Door Policy
Kellogg- Briand pact
This makes war illegal, which sounded really good to everyone at the time (because of WWI). But in reality, it gave a false sense of security, because it had no provisions for violators, and allowed defensive wars.
Dawes Plan
This was where the U.S loaned money to Germany, who paid Britain back, who paid us back. The key component was infusing money into the European economy. It failed when the stock market crash and the collapse of our economy.