A state of completephysical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Health and Wellbeing Definition
Health and Wellbeing is the state of a person's physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual existence and is characterised by an equilibrium in which the individual feels happy, healthy, capable, and engaged.
Dimensions of Health
Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, Spiritual
Physical Health and Wellbeing
Function of the body and its systems; physicalcapacity to perform daily activities.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Relates to someone'smind/brain and the ability to think and processinformation.
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
A person's ability to recognise and respondto their own or the emotion's of others.
Social Health and Wellbeing
Ability to makemeaningfulrelationships with other's and adaptappropriately to different social situations.
Spiritual Health and Wellbeing
Ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that come in the humanmind.
Dynamic Health and Wellbeing
Levels of Health are constantlychanging.
Interrelationship of Health and Wellbeing
If one dimension of health and wellbeing is low/high, it can impact other dimensions.
Health Status
Level of health experienced by an individual or population.
Key Indicators
Data/Statistics that is used to assess the level of health and wellbeing of individuals/populations.
Key Indicators Examples
Mortality Rates
Morbidity Rates
Life expectancy
Why Do We Need To Measure Health Status? (Level of Health)
To identifyhealth conditionsaffecting the population
How is Health Status Measured?
Health promotion (education): preventing the disease from occurring.
Medicare is Australia's universal health care scheme
Aim to provide affordable and high quality healthcare for all Australians
Objective is to improve health outcomes for the nation
Financed by the federalgovernment at 2% of taxable income
All Australian residents and eligible visitors can own a medicare card
Medicare Covers
GPs that bulk bill
Public hospitals
Tests and examination
Lower costs prescriptions
Medicare Doesn't Cover
Ambulance services
Allied health specialists
Private patient hospital costs
Private Health Insurance
People pay a premium to the health insurance company
They get choice of doctor in public and private hospitals
No waiting period for elective surgery and non-urgent surgical procedures
Choice of shared or private room in hospitals
Extra cover for part reimbursement of fees for dentistry, chiropractic, physiotherapy, optometry, osteotherapy, home nursing and podaitry
Is Ambulance Service Covered by Medicare, Private Health Insurance or Both? If not, What Can It Be Covered By?
Ambulance Service is not covered by Medicare or Private Health Insurance. If somebody wants ambulance service coverage, they will need to get membership separately through the relevant state ambulance's website.
General State of Health in Australia
Australia generally maintains a high standard of health compared to the rest of world though there are some health issues that Australia faces such as obesity and mental health challenges.
Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme (PBS)
Government subsidises the cost of medicine for most medical conditions
Available to all Australian residents who hold a current Medicare Card