Psych SAC 1 revision

Cards (36)

  • LPT - long term potentiation

    a process by which synaptic connections between neurons become stronger with frequent activation
  • LPD - long term deppression
    is an activity-dependent reduction in the efficacy of neuronal synapses
  • Central nervous system
    brain and spinal cord
  • peripheral nervous system
    somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system
  • somatic nervous system
    controls voluntary movment - sends sensory (afferent) neurons to the brain which then send motor (efferent) neurons to the body part to move it
  • autonomic nervous system

    controls involuntary movment - enteric ns, sympathetic ns, parasympathetic ns
  • enteric nervous system
    manages digestive system
  • sympathetic NS

    when there is a stressor it activates- auroses our body, activates flight fight freeze, shifts energy from one less important organ to another
  • parasympathetic nervous system
    calms us down and maintains homeostasis
  • between subject design
    2 groups doing differnt experiments
  • within subject design
    1 group does 2 experiements
  • independent variable
    variable that is changed
  • dependent variable
    variable that is mesured
  • controlled variable
    consistent and unchanged through out the experiement
  • approach
    dealing with the stressor
  • avoidance
    avoiding the stressor
  • internal stressors 

    factors that origionate inside the body eg. adequete sleep, physical health or anxiety
  • external stressors
    factors that origionate outside the body eg. school stressors, moving house
  • synaptic plasticity  

    brains ability to reorganise its neural pathways when damadged or adapting to new experiences (sprouting, rerouting and pruning)
  • sprouting
    growth of additional branches. on axons or dendrites to enable new connections (occours in LTP)
  • Rerouting
    occours when an undamaged neuron that has lost connection finds another neuron to connect with (occours in LTP)
  • pruning
    by pruning or removing neurons that are unuterlised or unesscary so that the brain becomes more efficient(occours in LTD)
  • dopamine
    pleasure/ for a reward
  • seritonin
    regulates mood
  • acute stress
    bodies immediate response to a percieved stressor
  • chronic stress
    bodies response to a long term stressor
  • long term release of cortisal...
    suppreses the immune system
  • role of cortisol
    increase glucose levels to help repair bodily functions and save energy and ultilise it in important organs
  • adreniline
    short term stress hormone (boost of energy)
  • fight and flight
    sympathetic nervous system is activated, adreniline is released which then increases heart rate, breathing and dialates pupils
  • glutamate
    excitatory neurotransmitter
  • GABA
    inhibitory neruotransmitter
  • freeze
    parasympethetic NS is activated, imobility and shock due to stressor being threatening so body doesnt know how to react
  • spinal reflex
    quick behaviours that happen entirley in the spinal cord, involving sensory neurons, interneurons and motor neurons
  • conscious responses
    happens in the somatic nervous system, involves awareness and is completly voluntary
  • unconscious responses
    happens in the autonomic NS, doesnt include awareness and isnt voluntary