Examples of non-linear equations are equations that relate observed quantities to unknown parameters using functions of sine, cosine, tangent and that are raised to second and higher order powers.
A standard step employed to solve non-linear equations is by transforming them such that linear equations are created, more popularly known as “linearization”.
These linear equations can then be solved but the values of the
unknown parameters are not exact, but only an approximation.
Linearization of non-linear equation can be done using 1st order Taylor Series Approximation through the application of Taylor’s Theorem.
x0 and y0 = the approximations for x and y.
f(x0, y0) are the nonlinear function evaluated at these approximations.
R = remainder
dx and dy = corrections to the approximations
Increasing the value of n results to a more exact approximation.
As the order of each successive term increases, its significance in the overall expression decreases.
The linear equation can then be solved using an iterative procedure.