Loan words- a word adopted from a foreign language with little to no modifications
loan words do not have a direct translation to ones native language, they are words that have been adopted into a new language
Afficionado- (french) A person who is an expert in a particular field, especially one who is well-informed and knowledgeable about a particular subject.
Alter Ego- (Latin) other self
Bon voyage-(French) have a nice trip
Bric-a-brac- (french) collection of decorative objects
Bona fide- (latin) Genuine
Boondock- (filipino) mountains
Carte blanche- (french) unlimited authority
En masse- (french) large group
Fait accompli- (french) established fact
Faux pas- (french
Faux pas- (french) a social blunder
grand merci- (french) many thanks
hot polloi- (greek) the masses
ipso facto- (latin) by the fact itself
L'enfant terrible- (french) a child who does embarrassing things; and adult who does things in unorthodox way
Mea culpa- (latin) my own fault
modus operandi- (latin) method of operating
Noveau riche- (latin)uses to describe someone who uses hard earned money to buy useless things
Persona non grata- (french) an unaaceptable person
Quid pro quo- (latin) something given or received for another thing
prima donna- (latin) tempermental and conceited
pro bono- (latin) free of charge
prima facie- (latin) on first sight
protege- (latin) one over the protection of another