Eric is described in stage directions as in his early twenties, not quite at ease, half shy, half assertive, demonstrating his naivety and symbolic of redemption
Eric's discomfort towards his family's lifestyle and privilege is evident through the stage directions "not quite at ease", foreshadowing his attitude throughout the play
Eric's narration about what he did to Eva is likely to be unreliable, as he may be biased to make himself look less bad, allowing the audience to interpret the story as they wish
The use of the pronoun "it" in Eric's narration allows the audience to fill in the gaps about what he did to Eva, manipulating them into perceiving Eric as redeemable
Priestley uses euphemistic language like "that state when a chap easily turns nasty" to substitute for Eric's admittance of being drunk, normalizing his lack of restraint and prompting the question of his actions if sober
Throughout the play, the audience is encouraged to consider whether Eric's actions reflect his true character or if society has conditioned him to behave in a certain manner
Priestley portrays Eric as only partially accepting responsibility for Eva Smith's death, evading full responsibility by comparing his actions to the use of prostitutes by Mr. Birling's "respectable friends"
Eric's attempts to divert blame away from himself, whether to immoral men or his intoxication, cause him to be perceived as avoiding responsibility, similar to the older generation
Priestley presents Eric in direct opposition to Mr. Birling ideologically, with Eric challenging and opposing Mr. Birling's opinions and capitalist attitudes throughout the play
Priestley portrays Eric as standing up for worker's rights and exposing the corruption and exploitation of capitalism, contrasting him favorably with Mr. Birling
Eric and Sheila are aligned in appreciating the Inspector's message, showing the difference between the younger and older generations in their attitudes towards others and suggesting the need to work together for societal improvement
Priestley leaves the play on a dramatic cliff-hanger, prompting the audience to consider their own moral responses and decisions in light of the characters' actions
Priestley's study on attachment in 1964 aimed to identify stages of attachment and find a pattern in the development of an attachment between infants and parents
The babies of parents/carers who had 'sensitive responsiveness' were more likely to have formed an attachment in Schaffer and Emerson's study on attachment
Priestley intends for the audience to compare their own attitudes to that of the characters in the play, causing the audience to view the physical manifestations of their own set of beliefs
Eric's abuse of Eva and violence towards her is hidden through his use of euphemisms like "that's when it happened" and "I was in a state where a chap easily turns nasty"