What are the conditions required for the formation of crude oil?
Addition polymerisation is the reaction in which many small molecule monomersbondtogether to form a long chain polymer
Polymerization: the reaction in which many small molecule monomers bond together to form a long chain polymer
Addition reaction: a reaction in which atleasttwomoleculescombine to form a largermolecule
Alcohols are organic compounds containing the functional group -OH, with the first four members being methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol
Alcohols can be oxidised to carboxylic acids
Alkanes are the mostcommonhydrocarbonfound in crudeoil, with the first four members having the general formula CnH2n+2
Alkenes are hydrocarbons with a double bond between two of the carbon atoms in the chain, making them unsaturated, with the first four members being ethene, propene, butene, and pentene
Biodegradable substances are able to be broken down by living organisms
Calorimetry is the process used to measure the amount of heat energy released or absorbed during a chemicalreaction
Carboxylic acids are organiccompoundscontaining the functional group -COOH, with the first four members being methanoic acid, ethanoic acid, propanoic acid, and butanoic acid, and they have typical acidic properties
Combustion is the burning of a substance in oxygen causing energy to be transferred to the surroundings as heat and light
Complete combustion occurs when there is sufficient oxygen present for the substancetoburn
Cracking is a process that involves breaking down larger hydrocarbons to produce smaller, more useful molecules
Cracking can be done by catalyticcracking or steamcracking
Crude oil is a finite resource found in rocks, consisting mainly of hydrocarbons which can be separated by fractional distillation
A displayed formula is a type of formula that shows all the bonds between every atom in the compound
Fermentation is a chemical process by which molecules such as glucose are broken down anaerobically, producing ethanol when sugar solutions are fermented using yeast
A finite resource is a resource that will onedayrun out
We extract crude oil by drilling through the rock using an oil rig
Burning hydrocarbons produces carbon dioxide and water