Afrikaner translation for 'Black Danger' is Swart Gevaar
Leader of the National Party in 1948 was Malan
NP and UP won 38% and 49% of the 1948vote
TomlinsonReport suggested investing 100 million in Bantustans
156 members of the Congress Alliance were arrested in 1956
Defiance campaign in 1952 was based on non-violent civil disobedience
Membership increased from 4000 to 100,000 after the defiancecampaign
Freedom Charter was created by the Congress Alliance - advocating a multi-racial South Africa in 1955
3 ways Africanists disagreed with the ANC: they wanted it to include Africansonly, not focus on civilrights but on land, wanted confrontationalaction and with the UnitedStates of Africa
60% of the white population in South Africa was Afrikaner.40% were British descendants
The Broerderbond was a secret group of Afrikaners who promoted Afrikaner business, economy and planned to increase Afrikanerinterests
Reserves were 13% of land that were given to Africans
The Great Trek was the movement of Dutch colonists into inland South Africa to create a different society, separate to British rule
What were the reasons for the National Parties victory?
Afrikaner Nationalism, The Poor White Problem, Smuts Liberalism
Why was Smuts more liberal?
He was more pragmatic and willing to compromise, making Afrikaners feel threatened
The ANC youth league was founded 1944 - released the Programme of Action in 1949, arguing for a more confrontational approach to apartheid
Sekhukueland 1957-1958
• Strongly against betterment policy
• 9 government collaborators had been stabbed to death - hundreds arrested
Defiance Campaign
35000 protested in East London, ANC lost control, 2 white and 7 African deaths and 18 injured
Mixed MarriageAct, 1949
Banned marriage across races
Immorality Act, 1949
Banned sex across racial goups
PopulationRegulationAct, 1950
Assigned everyone in South Africa to a racial group (White, Black, Coloured and Indian)
GroupAreasAct, 1950
Provided the power to eradicate African areas so cities would be largely white (Durban, Sophiatown, District 6)
Suppression of Communism,1950
Banned the Communist Party and those sympathetic to communists
Bantu AuthoritiesAct, 1950
Ensured traditional authorities were appointed throughout African reserves so they would cooperate with the government
SeparateRepresentation of VotersAct, 1951
Removed the coloured vote
NativeAbolition of PassesAct, 1952
Required a reference book for each African adult to see if they had the right to be in urban areas
UrbanAreasAct, 1952
Gave Urban rights to a minority of Africans who had lived there for 15 years, born in cities or worked in cities for 10 years
Bantu Education Act, 1953
Brought schools for African students under control of the state instead of missionaries
Reservation of separateamenitiesAct, 1953
Entrenched and broadened segregation
Extension of UniversityEducationAct, 1959
Ensured universities came under government control
Bantu Self-governing Act, 1959
Set up 8 self-governing homelands where Africans would live, E.G. Transkei