Geothermal Powerplant

Cards (12)

  • 3 powerplant
    • Dry steam powerplant
    • Flash steam powerplant
    • Binary cycle powerplant
  • Advantages of geothermal energy
    • Eco-friendly - because they do not produce buy product
    • High Reliability - 24hrs a day in a whole year
    • Flexibility - dependent on the amount of electricity energy
    • Minimum land space - small land space consume
    • cost efficient - cheaper
    • Help Developing countries grow
  • geothermal energy
    • Thermal energy extracted from the earth's crust
  • Geothermal energy generate in two ways:
    1. Geothermal powerplant
    2. Geothermal heat pums
  • Geothermalpowerplant
    • Where heat from within the earth changes water into steam, which turns steam turbines that generate electricity
  • Geothermalheatpumps
    • It removes the heat from the fluid in the earth connection. Contributes it and transfer it into building
  • Thermal energy is also called heat energy
  • Disadvantages
    • Geothermal powerplant is expensive
    • Limited accessibility
    • Financial constraint
    • Possible pollution
  • Geo means earth and thermal means heat
  • Geothermal is s renewable energy because it is visually inexhaustible in duration and can be replenished by nature
  • Heat/volcano main source of geothermal energy
  • Harnessing geothermal energy is by tracking the heat from the earth crust