Isostaticchange is the localrise and fall of landlevels as a result of loss of ice or tectonic activity.
Eustatic change is the rise and fall of waterlevels caused by a difference in the volume of water, affecting all the world's seas and oceans.
Isostaticuplift / rebound / recovery is the rise of landmasses after the removal of the huge weight of ice sheets, causing localsea levels to fallrelative to the land.
Isostaticsubsidence is the sinking of land when mass is added to the crust causing local sea levels to rise relative to the land.
Isostatic downwarping is where isostatic uplift happens in one area tilting the landdownwards in another area.
Crustalsag is when the Earth's crust sinks into the mantle due to increasedweight of ice or deposition of materials.
Regression is where the former sea bed is exposed due to fall in sea levels.
Transgression is when the coastline is drowned by risingsea levels.
Orogenic uplift is when the tectonic plates converge and push upwards to formmountains.
Interglacial is a period of warmer global averagetemperature lasing thousands of years that separates two glacial periods.
Glacial is a period of time that is marked by colderaveragetemperatures when glaciers extend over the land.
Holocene is the name given to the last11,700 years, then time since the last major glacial period.
Denudation is the wearingaway of the Earth'ssurface by processes such as weathering, masswasting and erosion, reducing the elevation of an area.