Supreme Court and Civil Rights

Cards (21)

  • -3 Democrats-6 republicans 
  • -3 Democrats-6 republicans 
  • In 2017-7,390 cases sent to the Supreme Court but only 83 were taken 
    SC only hears about 1% of cases 
    Clarence Thomas was only narrowly approved by 52-48 
    Robert Bork rejected in 1987 by a 42-58 vote 
    Kavanaugh approved by 50-48 
    Badger Ginsburg approved- 93-3 
  • SC only hears about 1% of cases 
  • Clarence Thomas was only narrowly approved by 52-48 
  • Robert Bork rejected in 1987 by a 42-58 vote 
  • Kavanaugh approved by 50-48 
  • Bader Ginsburg approved- 93-3 
  • Elections/spending: 
    -Citizens United V FEC (2010)- allowed for development of Super PACs 
    -McCutcheon V FEC (2014)- lifted the "aggregate cap" which limited the total an indicator could spend in an election 
  • Healthcare: 
    -NFIB v Sakelius (2011)- individual manage functions as a tax and therefore is within 
    Congress' power to levy- upheld Obama care 
    -King V Buryel(2015)- Subsidies for healthcare can be given to those enrolled in state healthcare exchanges or federal healthcare exchanges ç
  • Social Policy: 
    -Obergefell V Hodges (2010)- legalised gay marriage 
    -Whole women's health v Hellerstedt /2016)- Texas could not place restrictions on the delivery of abortion services that place an undue burden on a women seeking an abortion 
    -Dons V Jackson (2022)- overturned roe V Wade - abortion is not a constitutional right 
  • 1st amendment: 
    -Sunder,V Phelps (2011)- free speech is protected even If it is controversial 
  • 2nd amendment: 
    -DC v Heller (2008)- there is a right to individual gun ownership without a connection to a militia and for the use in the home for self defence 
  • 8th amendment: 
    -Glassie, V Gross (2015)- lethal injection does not violate "cruel and unusual" punishment 
    -Liberal restraint- Whole women's health v Hellerstedt,demonstrated a continuation in the Roe V Wade ruling 
    -Conservative restraint- Glassig V Gross 
    -Liberal activism- Obergefell V Hodges 
    -Conservative activism- citizens United V FEC 
    -2018 SC struck down aspects of the 1965 voting rights act 
  • 1954 Brown V Topeka Board of Education desegregated schools and challenged the "separate but equal" ruling
  • 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed
  • 1978 Regents of the University of California V Bakke upheld affirmative action within limited circumstances
  • Fisher V University of Texas (2013) ruled that race could be a consideration in university admissions but would need to confirm this was "necessary" (strict scrutiny)
  • DACA in 2012 allowed illegal immigrants who met certain conditions to remain in the USA free from the fear of deportation
  • DAPA, together with DACA, protected 11 million undocumented migrants from deportation
  • Trump V Hawaii (2018) court ruled that Trump's "travel ban" was not unconstitutional