Democracy and participation

Cards (20)

  • 2016- 7/17 republican candidates withdrew 20 days after first primary 
  • -2016- trump benefitted from $2 billion of free media/ Clinton- $746 million 
  • -12 states hold caucuses, 38 hold primaries 
  • -2017- 94% of events by trump, Pence, Clinton or Kaine took place in just 12 states 
  • -2016- Clinton seemed to have won each debate from opinion polls after yet lost the election 
  • -2016- 10 faithless electors- 3/7 invalidated due to broken law but others remained 
  • -National Popular Vote interstate compact- represents 172 ECVS 
  • Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) passed in 1971:
    • Discloses donations over $100
    • Sets spending limits for candidates and their families to $50,000
  • 1976 - Buckley V Valeo case:
    • Upheld donation limits
    • Ruled that spending caps amount to a violation of free speech
  • 1979 - Congress amends FECA leading to the development of "soft money"
  • 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act:
    • Raised individual contribution limits to $2,000
    • Introduced "hard" money
    • Implemented the "Stand by your ad" provision
  • 2010 - Citizens United V FEC case:
    • Money is considered free speech
    • Campaign limits placed on organizations are deemed unconstitutional
    • Resulted in the rise of Super PACs
  • 2014 - McCutcheon v FEC case:
    • Ruled that the aggregate cap placed on individuals is unconstitutional
  • Democrat policies: 
    -2016 party Platform- pledged to abolish death penalty 
    -Supported repeal of DOMA 
    -Biden in 2022 signed an executive order protecting access to abortion 
    -2023- Biden committed to reducing gun violence through gun control 
    -2022 bipartisan safer communities act- enhanced background checks for under 21+ guns 
    -2016 party platform- create a path to citizenship for law abiding families who are in the US 
    -Biden signed the American Action plan worth $1.9 trillion 
    -2020 Party platform- committed to achieving, universal, affordable and quality health care 
  • Republican Policies: 
    -2016 party platform: 
    -Repeal Obama care 
    -Support tax cuts in the economy 
    -Reinforce and strengthen immigration laws 
    -Restrictions on provision of and funding for abortion 
    -Opposition to Same sex marriage 
    -Tax cuts over provision of social welfare including universal healthcare 
  • Voting statistics: 2016 election 
    -Women- 54% Clinton, Men- 52% Trump 
    -Race: white- 57% Trump, African American- 89% Clinton, Hispanic- 66% Clinton 
    -Religion: Jewish-71% Clinton, Catholic-52% Trump, Protestant- 58
    -Clinton had a 9% lead over trump from those with a college degree 
  • Interest groups:
    • NRA membership: 4.3 million (lowest since 2012)
    • NRA spent $600,000 on lobbying in the first quarter of 2022
    • NRA supported Trump's US Supreme Court nominations and the confirmations of justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch
    • In 2017, Trump signed the NRA-backed national defense authorization act
    • NRA raised a record $366 million in 2017
    • NRA spent over $60 million to support Trump in the 2016 presidential election
    • Senator Sanders received a "D-" from the NRA for supporting the right to bear arms
    • In 2018, the NRA publicly advocated against the re-election of Joe Manchin due to his stance on gun control
  • -2018- 340 former congressional staff worked in pharmaceutical companies 
  • -Citizens united challenged FEC's campaign finance laws 
  • -TODAY and the republic found Rast10,000 bills almost entirely copied from model 
    legislation were introduced nationwide in last 8 years pre 2019 and 2,100 bills were signed into law