Cards (24)

  • Strong attraction between the particles
  • Solid particles are very close together and meatly arranged
  • Solid - definite shape, definite volume
  • Moderate attraction between particles 

  • Liquids particles still very close together but not neatly arranged.
  • Liquids - indefinite shape, definite volume
  • Very weak attraction
  • Gases particles much farther away
  • Gases - Indefinite shape and indefinite volume
  • Plasma - Highest temperature and particles are superheated to the point where they become equal amounts of positively and negatively charged particles
  • Density - the amount of matter in given volume
  • Ductility
    • Deform
    • Ability to be drawn into a thin strana wire , paper clip, copper wire
    • Nababaluktod
  • Melleability
    • When hammered it's still not broken
    • Ability to be pressed or pounded into a thin sheet
  • Boiling point
    • The temperature at which substance changes from a liquid to gas
  • Melting point
    • Ice tube melts to a puddle of water
  • The melting point of a substance is the temperature at which it changes state from solid to liquid. At the melting point the solid and liquid phase exist in equilibrium.
  • Electrical conductivity
    • How well a substance allow electricity to flow through it
    • Tap water conduct electricity
    • Ions is the most electrical conductivity
  • Solubility
    • Ability to dissolve in another substance
  • Signs of chemical change
    • Production of odor
    • Change in temperature:
    Exothermic reaction - energy released and then increases temperature (rusting)
    Endothermic reaction - energy absorbed and the temperature decreases (melting)
    • Change in color
    • Formation of bubbles
    • Formation of precipitate
    Precipitate - two liquid combined then formed a solid
  • Intensive
    • do not depend on the amount of matter
    • Can be measured or observed without using any mass measurements
    • Example: temperature, boiling point, concentration, luster
  • Extensive - depend on how much matter a sample contains
    • They depend to its mass
    • Example: weight, length, volume, entropy
  • Pure substance
    • Elements
    1. One type of atoms
    2. In periodic table only
    3. Elements type: non metal, metal, metalloids - both NM and M
  • Compounds
    • Can be decomposed
    • Chemical combination of elements
    • Two or more
  • Law of definite composition
    • A given compound always contains the same, fixed radio of elements
    Law of multiple compounds
    • Elements can be combine in different ratios to form different compounds