tiny tim

Cards (8)

  • Tiny Tim is Bob Cratchit’s disabled son, a minor but significant character in "A Christmas Carol" who highlights the transformation of Scrooge, becoming a "second father" to Tim after Scrooge's reparations
  • Dickens uses Tiny Tim to engage with the reader's emotions and catalyze social change, presenting him as "as good as gold" and emphasizing his good nature to evoke pathos
  • Tiny Tim embodies the theme of poverty in "A Christmas Carol," symbolizing hope and gratitude despite his distressing situation, and highlighting the duty of the rich towards the lower classes
  • The relationship between Scrooge and Tiny Tim symbolizes the connection between the upper and lower class, reflecting Dickens' narrative on social responsibility and the mutually beneficial nature of their relationship
  • Tiny Tim's relationship with Bob Cratchit evokes pathos, particularly after Tim's death, with Bob walking slower due to the absence of Tim, symbolizing a loss of innocence
  • Key Quote: "God bless us, Every one!" - Tiny Tim's statement embodies the spirit of Christmas, highlighting his compassion and caring nature, symbolizing hope and positive outcomes through personal and social reform
  • Key Quote: "‘My little, little child’ cried Bob. ‘My Little child!’" - Dickens uses epimone to emphasize the frail and weak character of Tiny Tim, evoking sympathy and highlighting the tragic nature of his death
  • Key Quote: "He told me, coming home, that he hoped the people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Christmas day who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see." - This allusion to Jesus highlights Tiny Tim’s role as a moral compass within the text, emphasizing the Christmas message of tolerance and hope