What were the terms of the 1894 Franco-Russian Alliance?
1. If F attacked by G or Italy supported by G, R shall employ all available forces to attack G. If R attacked by G or AH supported by G, F shall employ all available forces to attack G
2. In the case of the forces of the Triple Alliance, or of any of the Powers belonging to it, mobilising, F and R shall mobilise immediately and simultaneously the whole of their forces
3. The available forces to be employed against G shall engage to the full with such speed that G will have to fight simultaneously on the East and the West
4. The General Staffs of the Armies of the two countries shall co-op with each other at all times in prep and facilitation of the execution of the measures mentioned above
5. F and R shall not conclude peace separately
6. The present Convention shall have the same duration as the Triple Alliance
7. All the clauses enumerated above shall be kept absolutely secret