Set of rules and values that lay out what a country is based on
This can contain democracy, voting and rights
Parts of the constitution are codified and some parts aren't
Magna Carta 1215
Result in a threat of a civil war between rebels and the king
This declared the individual rights of people in England
"Free men" held liberties but most of the population were peasants
Clause 39 and 40
These clauses are still in use
This allows criminals to undergo lawful judgement when being trialed and imprisoned
Bill of rights 1689
Result of the glorious revolution
King James II was a Roman Catholic and the king should be the head of the church
He wanted to resinate Catholicism as the dominant religion
Political involvement in the Bill of rights 1689
The Whigs and the Tories invited William of Orange and Mary to invade Britain and take the throne to bring back Protestantism
The monarch gave parliament more power like article 9
Article 9 allows member to hold parliamentary privilege so they can freely speak and criticise government without fear of arrest, cruel and usual punishment
Act of Settlement 1701
Parliament objected against another catholic government
Electress Sophia was now queen and her son George I followed
Monarch picked by an act of parliament not by the divine right of kings
History of the Parliament Acts 1911/49
David Lloyd George put forward a spending programme known as the peoples budget
This was blocked by the conservative dominated HOL which had power to Veto legislation
Once liberals got into power they passed it
Parliament Act 1911/49
In 1911 the HOL was reformed by removing a lot of the hereditary peers
In 1949 the lord's can't block money bills and for other bills they can delay them up to 2 years
Also parliaments last 5 years now not 7 years
Second Reform Act 1867
All male heads of the household could vote deemed they are a rent payer
Agricultural landowners can vote
Voting doubled from 1 million to 2 million
16% of the total pop
Prior to the Second Reform Act
1 in 5 men could vote
8% of the population
Small landowners, tenants, farmers and shopkeepers gain vote
Redistribution of the Seats Act
Redistributed constituencies across the UK
Extended the core to agricultural landowners
40% of men couldn't vote
28% of the total pop
Representation of the People Act 1918
Allowed women over 30 to vote who had property qualifications