Research Methods Psychology

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    • Strengths and limitations of lab experiments:
      -High degree control, all variables precisely monitored ^ accuracy
      -Replication Researchers can repeat and check results
      -Experimenter’s bias: bias can affect results and participants can be influenced by expectations.
      -Lowe ecological validity due to high degree of control= artificial
    • S and L of field experiments
      • Naturalistic so higher ecological validity due to natural behaviour
      • Controlled IV
      • Cannot random;y allocate participants to conditions. So there may be confounding variables. make sit harder to conclude the IV caused the DV
    • S and L of quasi experiments.
      • Controlled conditions so likely to have high internal validity
      • Replicable
      • cannot randomly allocate participants to conditions so hard to determine if the IV was hat had an affect on the DV
    • S and L Natural experiments
      • Provides research oppourtunities which would have been impossible otherwise due to practical or ethical reasons
      • High external validity as dealing with real life issues.
      • naturally occurring events, rare so hard to replicate and generalise findings
      • very difficult to randomise into groups so problems with confounding and extraneous variables.
    • What is a population in terms of sampling ? 

      A group of people from whom the sample is drawn.
    • S and L of opportunity sampling.
      • easy method of recruitment, saves time and money
      • Not representative of the whole population so lacks validity
      • Researcher bias as the researcher chooses who they want to select
    • S and L random sampling
      • NO researcher bias as sample random so researcher has no control.
      • Time consuming, researcher needs a sampling frame and contacting people takes a lot of time.
      • Volunteer bias: Participants can refuse to take part so can end up with an unrepresentative sample.
    • S and L systematic sampling
      • Avoids researcher ias and farly representative of the population.
      • Not truly unbiased less random number generator is used the. start the systematic sample.
    • What is systematic sampling?
      A predetermined system is used whereby every nth number is selected from the sampling frame. the numberical selection is applied consistently.
    • S and L of stratified sampling.
      • No researcher bias. selection is done randomly.
      • Produces representative data due to proportional strata. So is generalisable.
      • Time consumming to identify strata and contact people.
      • Identified strata cannot represent differences of all people in a wider population.
    • S and L of volunteer sampling
      • Willing participants so easy and not time consuming.
      • Participants more likely to cooperate in study since volunteered to take part.
      • volunteer bias, the study may attract as pacific type of person so genralisability is affected.
      • Ulterior motives like money so participant may not be taking study seriously, which influences results.
    • s, l and solu to independent groups design 

      • No order effects presented as participants only do one condition.
      • Demand characteristics are eliminated
      • No control over participant variables. Differnet abilities of participants in conditions can affect DV.
      • You need more participants to gather the same amount of data.
      • Random allocation soLoves order effects. Ensures each participat has same likelihood in being in one condition of the iv as the other.
    • S, L and solu of repeated measures design
      • eliminates participant variables
      • Fewer participants needed so no as time consuming
      • Order effects
      • Counterbalancing when half do one of conditions in one order and half do one of conditions in other order.
    • s, l, solu of matched pairs design
      • No order effects
      • demand characteristics are less of a problem.
      • Time consuming and expensive
      • Large pool participants needed which can be hard to get
      • Difficult to know which variables are appropriate to match
    • What is a control group
      Sets a baseline whereby results from the experimental condition can be compared to the results from this one.
    • Strengths and limitations of an unstructured observation
      • More richness and depth of detail
      • Produces qualitative data which is more difficult to record and analyse
      • Greater risk of observer bias as will only record catch the eye behaviours
    • s and l of structured observation
      • Easier as more systematic
      • Quatitanite data collected, easy to analyse and compare with other data
      • Less risk of observer bias.
      • Not much death of detail
      • Difficult to achieve high inter-observer reliability as filling the predetermined lists is subjective.
    • What are behavioural categories
      Target behaviour which is being observed is broken down into precise components which are observable and measurable. EX. agressive behaviour can be punching/swearing.
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