Research Methods

    Cards (126)

    • What is an Aim?
      a general statement of the purpose of research
    • What the two study types?
      Difference and Relationship
    • What is a IV?

      Variable that you manipulate
    • What is a DV?

      Variable that you measure
    • What is a Hypothesis?

      A testable statement about the expected outcomes of an experiment
    • What is an Experimental Hypothesis?
      Predicting the differences in the effect DV will be beyond chance - as a result of the IV
    • What is a Null Hypothesis?
      Predicts no change between the conditions
    • What is a Directional Hypothesis?
      Predicts there will be a change and predicts the direction
    • What is a Non-Directional Hypothesis?
      Predicts there will be a change but not the direction
    • What does population mean?

      A group with specified characteristics that the researcher wants
    • What does sample mean?
      A subset of the population that is selected for a study
    • What is sampling?
      Splitting up a target group as it may be too large
    • What is Volunteer Sampling?

      Using people who have volenteered to be in a study
    • What is Opportunity Sampling?

      Using people who are both accessible and willing to take part in a study
    • What is Random Sampling?

      Gives every member of the target group an equal chance of being selected for the sample eg. names out of a hat
    • What is Systematic Sampling?
      Divide the total population by the number of people needed. Then randomise your list and use every nth person
    • What is Stratified Sampling?

      Divides target group into sections with key characteristcs
    • What is Sampling Bias?
      Some members are more likely to be picked than others
    • What is Generalisablity?
      If we can apply the findings to target population
    • Issue with Random Sampling?
      Time consuming if using a large population
    • Issue with Stratifed Sampling?
      Time consuming
    • Issue with Volunteer Sampling?
      Unrepresentative - can lead to bias
    • Issue with Opportunity Sampling?
      Unrepresentative - researcher bias
    • Positives with Random Sampling?
    • Positives with Stratified Sampling?

    • Positives with Volenteer Sampling?
    • Positives with Opportunity Sampling?
    • What is a Pilot Study?

      Trail version of the study to test effectiveness and make improvements
    • What five things would you want to check in a Pilot Study? (MULTI)
    • What is a control condition?
      A basline condition that is used to compare against with no IV
    • What is Repeated Measures?

      Where each participant is tested in ALL conditions
    • What is Independant groups?
      Where participants are only a part of ONE condition
    • What is Matched Pairs?

      Matching participants based on key charateristics and place them in ONE condition
    • What are strengths of Repeated Measures?
      Individual differences are eliminated
    • What are strengths of Independant groups?
      No order effects
      Less likely to have boredom effects
      Reduces demand characteristics
    • What are strengths of Matched Pairs?
      No order effects
      Controls individual differences
    • What are limititations of Repeated Measures?

      Order effects
      Boredom effects
      Demand characteristics
    • What are limitations of Independent Groups?
      Individual differences
      More people required
    • What are limitations of Matched Pairs?
      Time consuming
      DIfficult to match exactly
      Requires more participants
    • How do we Counter Balence?

      Half participants do C1 and other C2. Participants dont talk to each other and then complete the other condition.
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