Interactionist Perspective

Cards (5)

  • Becker
    Believes deviance is socially constructed. Due to rules which are subjective to society that when broken the individual is labelled deviant. This label leads to a 'master status', a 'deviant career' can also develop when an individual joins a deviant subculture as they rationalise their deviancy and internalise said label
  • Malinowski
    Looked at 'public shaming' on Triobriand islands where incest thought deviant was a normal part of life. Until a man was publicly shamed regarding it leading him to suicide
  • Lemert
    Primary deviance refers to behaviour that goes against the norms but causes no long term consequences, no label is received as a result. Secondary deviance refers to the repetitive deviant action which has a deviant label and affects the individuals self concept.
  • Matza
    Many youths will drift in and out of deviance. This is due to pressure from 'subterranean values' (encouragement of deviant behaviour like risk taking). Youths will also try to justify themselves using 'techniques of neutralisation'. Most youths grow out of this phase but come internalise a deviant label and continue deviancy.
  • Young
    Deviancy amplification: investigated drug taking amongst alienated groups. Powerful groups were threatened by this and when CPS dealt with the drug takers it led to further deviance