Men and women are biologically different, women are caring, nurturing and emotional whereas men are competitive, strong and aggressive.
Smart - Malestream Criminology
Sociological study is male stream. Traditional criminology has ignored the relationship between gender and crime.
Women make a 'class deal': wok hard to afford consumer goods and a 'gender deal' provide domestic work for protection and financial support. Both deals are exploitative. Women who uphold their deals are seen as respectable and are too busy for crime. Those who don't turn to crime to survive.
Heidensohn - Control Theory
Women are more controlled and supervised than men. They are given less freedom and so have less opportunity to commit crime.
There are different types of masculinity in society. The most popular is 'hegemonic' (those who are dominant, homophobic, sexist etc) this is seen by men as something they have to achieve men who feel as though they haven't turn to crime
Males are more likely to be victims of crime, but women are more likely to be victims of certain types of crime such as domestic abuse, sexual assault, and femicide.