Responsible for thinking, memory, and voluntary muscle control
Corpus callosum connects and allows the 2 halves of the brain to communicate
Frontal lobes are responsible for thinking, thought processing, emotions, control of voluntary movement, speech and language processing, decision making, reasoning, and planning
Motor cortex is responsible for movement
Olfactory bulbs are responsible for the sense of smell
Parietal lobes process information about temperature, touch, taste, pain, movement, and the 5 senses
Occipital lobes are responsible for vision
Temporal lobes are responsible for memories, hearing (contains auditory cortex), interpreting sounds, and makingsounds
Auditory cortex is responsible for hearing
Cerebellum is responsible for coordination and balance
Brainstem controls involuntary muscles and movements like breathing, reflexes, digestion muscles, and heart beating
Pituitary/hypothalamus are responsible for hormones, specifically those connected to growth and maturation