In atoms, the net charge of a particle is due to the gain or loss of electrons, with a proton having a charge of +1 and an electron having a charge of -1, representing multiples of the elementary charge, e, 1.6x10^-19 C
Electric current in metals is carried by electrons, while in conducting liquids like electrolytes, positive and negative ions allow for the flow of charge
Conventional current is the rate of flow of charge from positive to negative terminals, regardless of the direction of charge carriers, with electrons flowing from negative to positive in metals
Kirchhoff's first law states that the sum of currents into any point in an electrical circuit equals the sum of currents coming out of that point, a consequence of the conservation of charge
Mean drift velocity, v, is the average velocity of electrons as they travel down a wire, influenced by the number density, n, representing the number of free electrons per unit volume
Potential difference, V, measures the work done by charge carriers in a circuit, defined as the energy transferred from electrical energy to other forms, per unit charge
Resistance, R, of a component is defined as the potential difference across the component divided by the current in the component, measured in ohms (Ω)
For metallic conductors, when the temperature increases, the resistance increases due to increased vibrations of metal ions, leading to more collisions with electrons
Resistivity varies with temperature; for metals, increased temperature increases resistance, while for semiconductors, resistance decreases with increasing temperature
Energy transferred by a component is calculated by multiplying power by time, with power defined as the rate of energy transfer, measured in watts (W) or Js-1
Kilowatt-hours (kWh) are used as a unit for measuring energy for industrial or domestic purposes, where 1 kWh is the energy transferred by a device with a power of 1 kilowatt operated for 1 hour
Kirchhoff’s second law states that in any circuit, the sum of the electromotive force is equal to the sum of the potential difference in a closed loop, a result of the conservation of energy
Internal resistance in a source of e.m.f. results in 'lost volts', where some energy is transferred to the internal resistance of the cell, causing a difference between the measured p.d. across the terminals and the actual e.m.f.
To determine the internal resistance of a cell, connect it in series to an ammeter and a variable resistor, with a voltmeter in parallel around the cell, vary the resistance of the variable resistor, and record V and I readings to plot a graph of terminal p.d. against current
Potential divider circuits distribute potential difference across 2 resistors, with one resistor connected to another circuit using the Vout potential difference, typically with a sensor or variable resistor to alter resistance
In potential divider circuits, the potential difference across a component can be determined using the formula Vout = (R2 / (R1 + R2)) * Vin, where Vin is the e.m.f. of the circuit
Diffraction gratings are optical devices with parallel slits or grooves that diffract light into bright and dark bands, used in spectrometers and lasers
The principle of superposition states that when two or more waves overlap, they produce a single wave, with the resultant displacement depending on constructive or destructive interference
Two waves are coherent when they have a constant phase difference; interference between coherent waves results in maximum displacement when the phase difference is an even multiple of π
Stationary waves are formed when two progressive waves with the same frequency and amplitude, traveling in opposite directions, superpose to create nodes and antinodes
To produce a stationary wave in a stretched string, a vibration generator oscillates the string until a stationary wave is formed, with nodes at the transmitter and pulley ends