Origin and history of life has its key features - changes, progression, complexity increase, diversity increase, life strategies reflected in Kingdoms and DNA in genomes are a common feature and correlates with the apparent relatedness
Life needs to combat entropy. By the sun releasing "hot" photons, the biosphere absorbs it and releases "cold" photons into the universe. Once energy isn't being taken in anymore, decay begins and entropy wins
Maths, physics and chemistry is universal and governed by rules, laws and theorems that apply anywhere in the universe, they lead to life. So is life an inevitable process or an astronomical coincidence?
Simple organic molecules (chemistry), forming more complex molecules (proteins/lipids/nucleic acids), that organise into cells (biology). The ability to replicate/reproduce, and the development of complex biological pathways
Earliest evidence of life: australian sealed zircon crystals contain C12 - enriched, C13 - depleted C isotopes - signal of life processes (C12 - preference of enzymes)
Equation that purports to yield the number of technically advanced civilisations in the Milky Way Galaxy as a function of other astronomical, biological, and psychological factors
Hundreds of species in the world have increased to millions. The Ediacaran biota are largely lost. It's a massive burst of evolution (biodiversity) over a very short geological time period
Random mutations accumulate over time in every organism's DNA. population thus becomes the "gene pool" (full of heritable variation) which is the fuel of evolution
Increase in species population size is kept in check by the 'struggle for existence' - competition for resources (within species/same species), predation, disease, adverse environmental changes (temperature, O2 levels etc.), competition for a mate
Based on molecular mechanism, random genotypic mutation causes beneficial phenotype in the face of selection pressure causing increased production of offspring who also inherit the genotype. Mutation and its phenotype increase in the population
Remains of organisms preserved in rock (sedimentary), peat and ice. Hard tissue is best preserved (bones and shells), and most soft tissue organisms are lost to time
Most species appear suddenly in the geological record and gradual change isn't seen. Periods of evolutionary stasis punctuated by periods of rapid change