It is the mechanism that movesairinto and out of the lungs
Imagine a set of bellows
The Ventilatory Pump:
The ability to sustainspontaneous ventilationdepends on the triad of CNS drive, the capacity of the respiratory muscles, and the load that is imposed upon them
The Ventilatory Pump - Made up of 3 components:
the drive to breathe (CNS)
The ability of the respiratory muscles to generate pressure
The ability of the pump to do the pumping
Incorporates concepts of strength, endurance and mechanical ability
The work performed by the respiratory muscles
2 types of load:
Resistive load - when increase in airway resistance due to airway narrowing e.g. due to sputum plugging
Elastic load - relates to lung compliance - poor compliance increaseselastic load on respiratory muscles, so they have to work harder to move air
The Ventilatory Pump:
There is a definite balance between capacity and load