Force is measured by a spring balance or dynamometer
Contact force is a forcethatresultswhentwo interacting objectsareindirectcontactwitheach other. Examples are elasticforce, frictionalforce
Non-contact force is aforceappliedtoanobjectbyanother objectthatisnotindirect contactwithit. Examples are magnetic force, gravitational force
Friction is aforcethatopposesmotionbetweentwosurfacesincontact.
Advantages of friction
It allows us to holdontoobjectslikecupsandbooksoraidingindailyactivitiessuchasenablingpencilstomakemarksonpaper
Disadvantages of friction are wearandtearonobjectslikeshoesandtires, wastageofenergyasmoreenergyisneededtomoveobjectsduetofriction, andtheproductionofheatresultinginenergy wastage
Ways to overcome friction include using lubricating oilorgrease, employingball bearings, rollersorwheels, andusingacushionofair
Elastic force is the forceactingonastretchedorcompressed elasticobjecttoreturntoitsoriginalshape
Gravitational force is a force that attracts two objects towards each other. The magnitude of the gravitational force isaffectedbythemassofanobjectandthedistancebetweentwomases
Gravitational field strength is the amount of gravitational forceacting on a 1kgmass
Density (kg/m^3) = mass(kg) / volume(m^3)
Magnetic force is the force of attractionbetweenmagnetsandmagnetic substancessuch as iron or steel.Unlike poles attract each other, while likepolesrepeleachother
Effects of force:
Move a stationary object
Change the direction of the object
Change the speed of an object
Change the size of an object
Change the shape of an object
Stop a moving object
Turning effects of forces:
A moment is the abilityofaforcetomakeanobject turn
The SI unit of moment is newton-metres (Nm)
A pivot is a fixed pointallowing an object toturn
The moment of a force depends on perpendicular distancefromthepivottothelineoftheappliedforceandthemagnitudeofforceapplied
Formula: moment of force = force x distance
Two types of moments: clockwise and anti-clockwise
The further the force is from the pivot, the larger the moment of theforce is, makingiteasier to turnanobject
Turning effect can help carry out actions with littleforce like removingalid or tighteninga nut
Pressure is aneffectofforceactingonanobject
The SI unit of pressure is pascal (Pa)
Formula of pressure: force/area
Work is a transferofenergyfromoneobjecttoanother or fromoneformtoanother
The SI unit of work is Joule (J)
Conditions for work to be done on an object: forceapplied, objectmovesinthesamedirectionastheforce applied