Lesson 1

Cards (20)

  • Computer is a device that can perform computations and make logical decisions, categorized based on performance and purpose into supercomputers, general-purpose computers, office computers, and workstations
  • Basic Computer Organization:
    • Data enters the input unit
    • Input unit stores data in the storage unit
    • Control Unit (CU) accesses the storage unit and communicates with Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), input, and output
  • Input Unit includes devices like keyboard, mouse, trackball, trackpad, pointing stick, digitizer/tablet, touch panel/touch screen, image scanner, digital camera, barcode reader, OCR, sound input device, and magnetic card reader
  • Output Unit includes devices like CRT display, LCD display, OLED display, laser printer, inkjet printer, dot impact printer, and thermal transfer printer
  • Memory Unit is used to store programs and data required for processing in the operation of a computer, including Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM)
  • RAM is a volatile memory where data can be read and written, with two types: Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) and Static Random Access Memory (SRAM)
  • ROM is a non-volatile memory that retains stored content after power is turned off, with types like Mask ROM, EPROM, and EEPROM
  • Machine Cycle steps:
    • Data is stored in memory from the input unit
    • Control Unit reads the data and instructs ALU to perform calculations
    • ALU performs the calculation
    • Result is stored in memory
    • Result is sent to the output unit for the user to read
  • ALU performs calculations and compares items to determine equality, while CU directs operations of the computer's logic unit, memory, input, and output unit
  • Number System is a set of symbols used to represent numbers, with common systems like Binary, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal
  • Representation of Number System:
    • The greatest symbol used is 1 less than the radix (base)
    • Progression: Once the least significant digit reaches the greatest symbol, it reverts to 0 and adds 1 to the next digit
  • Radix Conversion deals with the replacement of one number system with another, like Binary to Decimal, Binary to Octal/Hexadecimal, Decimal to Base-N, etc.
  • Comparison of Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) and Static Random Access Memory (SRAM)
  • Table showing binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal representations of numbers 0 to 15
  • Example for Hexadecimal addition:
    • F + 1 = 10
    • 1F + 1 = 20
    • 2F + 1 = 30
  • Radix Conversion:
    • Deals with the replacement of one number system with another
    • BinaryDecimal and vice versa
    • Binary → Octal/Hexadecimal and vice versa
    • DecimalBase-N and vice versa
  • Decimal fundamentals:
    • 1234 = 1 × 10^3 + 2 × 10^2 + 3 × 10^1 + 4 × 10^0
    • Expansion method: take the digit, multiply it by its place value, then sum for each digit
  • Base-N to Decimal conversion:
    • Use the expansion method
    • Binary to Decimal: 1010.1112 = 1 × 2^3 + 0 × 2^2 + 1 × 2^1 + 0 × 2^0 + 1 × 2^-1 + 1 × 2^-2 + 1 × 2^-3 = 10.875
  • Octal/Hexadecimal to Binary conversion:
    • For Octal, group binary numbers into 3 (23 = 8) and convert each group to decimal
    • For Hexadecimal, group binary numbers into 4 (24 = 16) and convert each group to decimal
  • Search Engine:
    • Utilized when the address of a Web page a user wishes to view is not known