Volcanic Eruption

Cards (21)

  • Volcanic eruption: one of the most dangerous ang dramatic natural disaster
  • Active volcano: volcano that had atleast one record of eruption for atleast 10,000yrs
  • Effusive: feature the outpouring of lava without significant explosive eruption
  • Explosive: characters by the gas driven explosion that propels magma and tephra
  • 3 meta types
    • Magmatic eruption(hydro volcano eruption)
    • Phreatomagmatic eruption
    • Phreatic eruption
  • Hawaiian: calmness eruption type And famous for producing fire fountain
  • Strombolian: when the gas bubbles breaks they can produce large bubbles(gas slug) which can grow into size large enough to rise
  • Vulcanian: named after italian island named volcano
  • Vulcanian also believed to be the home for god of fire(hephaestus)
  • Pelean: called naée ardente
  • Pelean happens when there is a large quality of dust, gas, and ash
  • Pelean is one of the most volcanic activity in the world
  • Plinian: most explosive and powerful of all eruption
  • Surtseyan is also called island surtsey
  • Surtseyan is near the surface of water
  • Surtseyan happens when the undersea water became matured
  • Submarine eruption: surface of the water
  • Subglacial eruption is also called glacio volcanism
  • Subglacial volcano occurs to the summit and has ice
  • Phreatic eruption is also called steam blast eruption
  • Phreatic eruption: driven by explosive expanded steams resulting from cold ground or surface water coming into contact with hot or magma