Species richness is the number of different species in a community, measured by counting the number of species present via methods like random sampling
Line transect is a sampling technique where a line is made on the ground between 2 points, recording species touching the line at intervals to determine abundance and distribution
Belt transect involves making 2 parallel lines on the ground between 2 points, placing quadrats at intervals to record species within/touching them to determine abundance and distribution
Classification is the process of naming and organizing organisms into groups based on their characteristics, grouped into animals, plants, fungi, prokaryotes, and protoctista
Organisms are further grouped into phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species, named according to the binomial system where the first part is the genus and the second part is the species
Molecular phylogeny analyzes molecular differences in organisms to determine their evolutionary relatedness, leading to the separation of organisms into domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya