Benedict’s solution can be used to test for reducing sugars like glucose, fructose, and maltose, changing color from blue to brick red in their presence
If there is no color change with Benedict’s solution, it could indicate the presence of a non-reducing sugar like sucrose, which can be confirmed by breaking glycosidic bonds through acid hydrolysis
Emulsion test for lipids involves adding ethanol to the test substance, shaking, then mixing with water to observe a milky color for a positive lipid result
Unsaturated lipids found in plants contain carbon-carbon double bonds and melt at lower temperatures than saturated fats, providing essential fatty acids
Phospholipids have a phosphate-containing group substituting one fatty acid of a triglyceride, with hydrophilic phosphate heads and hydrophobic tails, forming micelles in water
The primary structure of a protein is the order and number of amino acids, while the secondary structure can be alpha helix or beta pleated sheet, determined by hydrogen bonding, ionic bonds, and disulphide bridges
Water is a polar molecule, a metabolite in metabolic reactions, a solvent, has a high specific heat capacity, a relatively large latent heat of vaporization, strong cohesion between molecules, and high surface tension at the water-air boundary