Arteries are adapted to carrying blood away from the heart, with thick walls to withstand high blood pressure, elastic tissue for stretching and recoil, smooth muscle for varying blood flow, and lined with smooth endothelium to reduce friction and ease blood flow
Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels, site of metabolic exchange, one cell thick for fast exchange of substances, adapted for efficient diffusion with a narrow lumen, large surface area, and slow blood flow
Hydrostatic pressure forces blood fluid out of capillaries to form tissue fluid, with small enough substances escaping through capillary gaps including dissolved nutrients and oxygen
Remaining tissue fluid not pushed back into capillaries is carried back via the lymphatic system, containing lymph fluid similar to tissue fluid but with less oxygen and nutrients, mainly carrying waste products
The ventricle pumps blood at high pressure, with the left ventricle wall thicker than the right to ensure blood reaches the rest of the body at high pressure
The heart is myogenic and has a sinoatrial node as the pacemaker, initiating a wave of electrical stimulation causing the atria to contract at the same time before the ventricles contract
The ventricles do not start contracting until the atria have finished due to the presence of tissue at the base of the atria which is unable to conduct the wave of excitation
The electrical wave eventually reaches the atrioventricular node located between the two atria which passes on the excitation to ventricles, down the bundle of His to the apex of the heart
Atrial systole: atria contract, forcing the atrioventricular valves open and blood flows into the ventricles
Ventricular systole: contraction of the ventricles causes the atrioventricular valves to close and semi-lunar valves to open, allowing blood to leave the ventricles
Cardiac diastole: atria and ventricles relax, elastic recoil lowers the pressure inside the heart chambers, and blood is drawn from the arteries and veins
Haemoglobin is a water-soluble globular protein consisting of two beta polypeptide chains and a haem group, carrying oxygen in the blood by binding to the haem group and releasing oxygen when required
The affinity of oxygen for haemoglobin varies depending on the partial pressure of oxygen, with higher partial pressure increasing the affinity, causing oxygen to bind tightly to haemoglobin in the lungs during loading and releasing in respiring tissues during unloading
Dissociation curves illustrate the change in haemoglobin saturation as partial pressure changes, showing that high partial pressure leads to high saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen
Carbonic anhydrase is an enzyme that helps haemoglobin dissociate from oxygen and bind to carbon dioxide to form carbaminohaemoglobin, catalyzing a reaction between carbon dioxide and water to produce carbonic acid
Fetal haemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen compared to adult haemoglobin to better absorb oxygen at low partial pressure, ensuring the survival of the fetus
At high altitudes, red blood cell count increases due to lower oxygen partial pressure, leading to more red blood cells being made to increase the amount of haemoglobin available for oxygen binding