Generator Effect

Cards (6)

    1. What is the generator effect and why is it used?
    The Generator effect is the induction of a potential difference in a wire that moves relative to a magnetic field. It is used to produce an A.C Current (Alternating) and D.C Current.
  • 2. What can also be produced via the Generator effect if the conductor is apart of a complete circuit?

    - If conductor is apart of complete circuit
    - A current will be created
  • Give 3 ways to increase the induced current in a circuit?

    -Increase/decrease number of loops in the coil

    -Change Metal core material

    -Increase/Decrease Current in circuit
  • Give 3 Examples of items that use the generator effect
    -Computer hard drives
  • What is the difference between the motor effect and the generator effect?

    Motor effect: The magnetic field around the current carrying wire exerts a force on the magnetic field it has been placed in. This causes the magnet and conductor/wire to exert a force on each other
    Generator effect: Produces a potential difference in a conductor via adding a coil of wire into a magnetic field. This coil becomes induced producing a flow of Potential different through the wire/conductor or current if its a complete circuit
  • TRUE OR FALSE: The generator effect can produce both a.c current and d.c current
    The generator effect can produce an a.c current in an alternator
    The generator effect can produce the generator effect in a dynamo