Test 10 (P)

Cards (17)

  • at a later stage of

    a time that is further down the line in terms of progression
  • down the line

    thorough and uncompromising
  • anything but
    not at all the opposite of (Ex: anything but dull: not dull at all or very interesting)
  • snow under with work
    to have so much work that you have problems dealing with it all
  • on hold
    intentionally delayed
  • the cream of the crop
    thành phần ưu tú nhất
  • remotely / chiefly / mainly / obviously +
  • be torn between (one thing and another)
    to have a very difficult choice to make between two things
  • in the grip of sth
    to be experiencing sth unpleasant that you have no control over
  • stain (v)
    nhuộm màu
  • tarnish (v)
    làm hoen ố, làm xỉn màu
  • smudge (v)
    làm dơ, làm bẩn
  • divulge (v)
    để lộ, tiết lộ
  • endeavour (v)

    cố gắng, nỗ lực
  • quibble (v)

    tranh luận, phàn nàn (về những việc vặt vãnh)
  • grant (v)

    cho phép, chấp thuận
  • cautionsly / extremely / highly / strongly +
