Motor Effect

Cards (7)

  • What is motor effect and why is it used?
    -The motor effect is the effect at which a current carrying wire/conductor is put between magnetic poles.
    -The wire interacts with the magnetic field which exerts a force on both the wire and the magnetic field
    -This can cause the wire to move
  • How does the wire need to be positioned to feel the full force of the magnetic field and why?
    -The wire must be positioned at a right angle/90 degrees
    -This will allow for maximum interaction between the wire and magnetic field
  • Name the 3 factors that affect the force on the wire?
    -Increasing/decreasing current flowing through the wire
    -using stronger/weaker magnets
    -Positioning of the wire at 90 degrees is optimal
  • If the Magnetic field lines and Conductor are parallel what is the force acted upon the wire and magnetic field?
    -As they are parallel there is no force exerted on each other as the magnetic fields are not interacting
  • If the magnetic field lines are perpendicular to the conductor how strong will the force that acts on them be?
    -As they are perpendicular / 90 degrees the force that acts on them will be as strong as they can be not including the other factors that effect the force.
  • What can a wire with current flowing through it be called as?
    - A Current-Carrying Conductor
  • True or False A current carrying wire produces its own magnetic field?
    the current carrying wire has a separate magnetic field which then interacts with another magnetic field to produce a force which is the motor effect