9. Grammar
The Future tense
Irregular Future Tense Verbs
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The stem of aller is '
' - this should used with a future tense ending (e.g. -ai) to say someone will go
J'irai - I
will go
(This should be used instead of Je vais aller, as that means I am going to go)
Tu iras - You
will go
Elle ira - She
will go
nous irons - we
will go
ils iront - they
will go
The stem of être is '
' - this should be used with a future tense ending (e.g. -a) to say someone will be
Je serai - I
will be
tu sera - you
will be
il sera - he
will be
nous serons - We
will be
Elles seront - They
will be
The stem of avoir is '
' - this should be used with a future tense ending (e.g. -ont) to say someone will have
Je aurai - I
will have
Tu auras - You
will have
Elle aura - She
will have
Nous aurons - We
will have
Ils auront - they
will have
The stem of faire is '
' - This should be used with a future tense ending (e.g. Il fera) to say someone will do something
Je ferai - I
will do
Tu feras - You
will do
Elle fera - She
will do
Nous ferons - We
will do
Ils feront - They
will do
The stem of venir is '
' - This should be used with a future tense ending (e.g. Je viendrai) to say someone will come
Je viendrai - I
will come
Tu viendras - You
will come
Il viendra - He
will come
Nous viendrons - We
will come
Elles viendront - They
will come
The stem of vouloir is '
' - This should be used with a future tense ending (e.g. Je voudrai) to say someone will want
Je voudrai - I
will want
(Je voudrais means I would like)
Tu voudras - You
will want
Elle voudra - She
will want
Nous voudrons - We
will want
Ils voudront - They
will want
The stem of voir is '
' - This should be used with a future tense ending (e.g. Je verrai) to say someone will see
Je verrai - I
will see
Tu verras - You
will see
Il verra - He
will see
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