Noble metals are metals that do not oxidise easily. Examples include: gold, platinum and palladium.
The name 'precious' metals is not related to a chemical property, it's related to how valuable the metal is. Examples include: gold, platinum and silver. Silver is the only one that is precious but not noble; it corrodes very easily.
Pure gold:
Requires pure gold - i.e. 24 carat gold
Gold = very ductile - it's easily shaped so can fill the cavity
Relatively soft
Easily distorted - useful for fitting to cavity
Can distort in service - needs support so can only be used for small cavities; needs lots of tooth to support it, otherwise will deform
Stable/unreactive - doesn't corrode/tarnish - good aesthetics
Coefficient of thermal expansion similar to tooth
Therefore expansion & contraction v similar to the surrounding tooth when hot/cold drinks consumed - therefore no/few gaps created at margins due to temp changes
Gold foil for cohesive gold restorations:
Require very thin sheets (25 μm thick) of pure gold (foils)
Can be joined together under pressure - termed cold welding
Gold foil needs to be very clean for cold welding to work - flame in Bunsen flame prior to use
Need to do this because otherwise impurities could get on the foil and stop the welding process occurring
Can be carried out by hand - not possible for everyone due to high pressures required
Some instruments available - but patients find them uncomfortable
Gold foil for cohesive gold restorations:
No cement required to retain material in the cavity
Foil is v ductile so can conform to cavity easily
Potential advantage; majority of crown failures are cement layer failures
However, there are limitations
Gold is expensive, pure gold is really expensive!
Even with good technique, restoration is never fully dense
Typically only 75% - 82% fully cold-welded together - potential weakness
Possible marginal staining if you don't get full condensation of materials around margins
Poor mechanical properties so applications limited to v small cavities
Gold alloys:
To extend the range of treatment options gold alloys developed
Cheaper than pure gold - gold replaced by e.g. Ag, Cu
More commonly used than pure gold
Harder than pure gold so able to use in more than small cavities
Solution hardening due to being alloys
Different atoms, therefore harder for dislocations to flow, so the yield strength improves and we get solution hardening
Heat treatments can improve mechanical properties even more
Because know how to control properties by cooling them down during casting
Gold alloys:
Alloys are less ductile than pure gold
Shaping to the cavity not possible
Shaping must now be done by casting
Need to heat materials up to melt them, pour them into a mould, then cool down in the desired shape
Less dense than pure gold
Traditional gold alloys:
Range of different alloys possible
Properties dependent on concentration of metals
Potentially confusing for dentists so standardisation needed
ISO standard covers composition ranges
Divided into 4 groups related to mechanical properties
Termed: soft, medium, hard and extra-hard
Each group has specific indications for use
Metallurgy of traditional dental gold alloys:
Gold forms solid solutions with other metals
Improved mechanical strength & hardness compared to gold; solution hardening
Devices (crowns, inlays, onlays, etc.) produced by casting
Equiaxedgrain structure formed
Quenching (cooled down quickly) produces small grains - improve yield strength so it can survive in pt's mouth
Quenching can lead to coring - makes it v susceptible to corrosion
Problem in Type III and & IV alloys
Due to Pt/Pd content widening the solid + liquid phase region
Homogenisation required to prevent coring
Hardening of traditional dental gold alloys:
Properties of gold alloys can be improved
Solution hardening: controlled by composition and atomic sizes
Hardening of traditional dental gold alloys:
Properties of gold alloys can be improved
Precipitation hardening:
Controlled by Cu + Ag
Because silver & copper don't form complete solid solutions - they're partially soluble within each other - therefore potential for precipitation hardening to occur, where if after cooling the casting down, it's heated to around 450-500 °C to get some silver and copper to precipitate out of the grains to form regions of pure silver and pure copper - they provide more barriers to dislocations - therefore improvement in mechanical properties
Heat treatment
Hardening of traditional dental gold alloys:
Properties of gold alloys can be improved
Order hardening - most important method
Controlled by Cu and Au content (>11% Cu) - relies on having at least 11% copper in the alloy
Particularly useful for partial denture frameworks, where when we cool things down we get ordered intermetallics forming (Cu₃Au or CuAu) - and because we have an ordered structure, dislocations find it harder to flow, therefore gives it better mechanical properties
Heat treatment
Hardening of traditional dental gold alloys:
Properties of gold alloys can be improved
Work hardening
Requires a mechanical work
Not a heat treatment
Properties of traditional dental gold alloys:
Melting point increases as we go from high amounts of gold to low amounts
Recrystallisation temperature increases as we add other atoms - the more other metals we add, the less likely we are to have recrystallisation occurring
Casting ability - the more gold we have, the higher the density - tends to make casting easier
Corrosion resistance v good when just got mostly gold with a few other elements added, but copper & silver corrode readily, so as we increase the amount of them we have a higher chance of corrosion - affects biocompatibility
Properties of traditional dental gold alloys:
Hardness = resistance to polishing & scratching - harder to polish a type IV alloy than type I - but also, easier to scratch type I alloy than type IV, so type IV alloy appearance = more consistent w/ time
Proportional limit = related to yield strength & how easy it can deform - can be increased w/ solution hardening & heat treatment
Modulus & strength relate to how easily it can resist deformation/breaking - improves as gold content decreases
Ductility is related to how easily adjustments can be made - less gold, harder to adjust; less ductile
Applications of traditional dental gold alloys:
Low stress bearing applications
Small occlusal restorations
Pure gold
Type I alloys (inlays) - easier to cast and fit to desired anatomy
Medium stress bearing applications
Larger inlays
Type II alloys - mechanical properties a bit better, so better for larger inlays
Applications of traditional dental gold alloys:
High stress bearing applications
Full crowns, denture components
Type III and type IV alloys
Type III alloys can be heat treated
Type IV alloys almost always heat treated
Hardening can increase yield strength up to two-fold - significant advantage
Hardening can decrease ductility up to ten-fold - so if any changes need to be made after hardening then the product will just break
Therefore need to be careful when using these - try-in stage v important for this reason
Semi-precious alloys:
Gold is very expensive and is increasing in cost
Alternative alloys designed
Medium/low gold content
Medium/low gold content alloys:
Normally <50% gold - significant cost saving
High in palladium - white-ish appearance
Similar properties to type III or IV gold alloys - strong, rigid, limited ductility
Lower density than high gold content alloys - less accurate casting - may be difficult to get device to fit properly
Used extensively for PFM (platinum-fused-to-metal) bonded restorations - because very good properties and behave well
Silver/palladium alloys:
Lower density than gold alloys - less accurate casting
Oxygen dissolves in molten alloy
Because higher casting temperatures needed due to silver and palladium having high melting points
Porous castings result because oxygen can't escape as we cool the alloy down - if we get these then it'll be a source of weakness