Novel drugs: Infection and response: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (16)

  • Penicillin
    An antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming that is made from Penicillium mould
  • Digitalis
    A heart drug that originates from foxglove plants
  • Aspirin
    A painkiller that originated from willow trees
  • Pharmaceutical industry
    Businesses that develop and produce drugs for use in medicine and health care
  • Toxicity
    The harmful effects of a drug
  • Efficacy
    The effectiveness of a drug
  • Dose
    The recommended quantity of a drug
  • Side effect
    A secondary effect of a drug that is undesirable
  • Preclinical testing

    Drug tests carried out in a laboratory on cells, tissues and live animals
  • First stage of clinical trials
    A trial to measure the safety of a drug by testing on a sample of healthy individuals
  • Second stage of clinical trials
    A trial to measure the efficacy of a drug by testing on individuals that are unwell and in need of the drug treatment
  • Third stage of clinical trials
    A trial with many individuals to evaluate the overall safety and efficacy of a drug in comparison to existing drugs
  • Blind trial
    A trial in which participants are unaware of whether they have received a treatment or a placebo
  • Double blind trial
    A trial in which neither the experimenter nor the patient knows who is getting the research treatment to prevent bias
  • Placebo
    A fake drug used in the testing of medication to determine the efficacy of a real drug
  • Peer review
    The evaluation of work by several peers that are experts in a specific field