Monoclonal antibodies HT: Infection and response: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (15)

  • Monoclonal antibody
    A laboratory-produced antibody that is designed to target and bind to specific antigens
  • Clone
    A group of genetically identical cells
  • Mouse lymphocytes
    White blood cells that are used to make monoclonal antibodies
  • B lymphocytes
    White blood cells which can produce specific antibodies but can't divide
  • Tumour cell
    A long-lived cell that divides continuously
  • Hybridoma cell
    A cell used to make monoclonal antibodies that is made by fusing a lymphocyte and a tumour cell
  • Pregnancy test
    Monoclonal antibodies can be used to detect pregnancy hormones in urine
  • Laboratory test
    Monoclonal antibodies can be used to detect hormones, chemicals and pathogens in laboratory tests
  • Fluorescent dye
    Can be added to monoclonal antibodies to help locate and detect substances
  • Cancer treatment
    Radioactive substances or toxic drugs can be added to monoclonal antibodies to be delivered to tumours
  • Radioactive substance
    A chemical that releases radiation to kill cancer cells
  • Toxic drug
    A chemical that is toxic to cancer cells
  • Diagnosis
    A way of using monoclonal antibodies to identify diseases
  • Antibody
    A white blood cell-made protein that binds to a specific antigen
  • Antigen
    A substance that antibodies bind to during an immune response