Plant defences: Infection and response: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (13)

  • Physical defences
    Barriers that reduce the invasion of pathogens
  • Cellulose cell walls
    Strengthen plant cells to help resist pathogens
  • Waxy cuticle
    The surface of a leaf which act as a barrier to pathogens
  • Layers of dead cells
    A protective layer that can fall off a plant and take pathogens with them
  • Bark
    A protective layer on the trunks of trees which act as a barrier to pathogens
  • Chemical defences
    Chemicals that protect plants against pathogens
  • Antibacterial chemicals
    Chemicals that protect plants against bacterial infections
  • Poisons
    Chemicals to deter herbivores from grazing on plants
  • Mechanical adaptations
    Physical adaptations such as thorns that prevent damage to plants
  • Thorns
    Sharp growths which prevent damage from herbivores
  • Plant hairs
    Can irritate the mouth of herbivores which makes the plant difficult to eat
  • Touch-sensitive leaves

    Leaves droop or curl which can dislodge insects or deter large herbivores
  • Mimicry
    Plants mimic unhealthy or dangerous plants to prevent damage