Plant diseases: Infection and response: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (14)

  • Tobacco mosaic virus
    A plant virus which causes a mosaic pattern on the leaves which slows photosynthesis and therefore growth
  • Rose black spot
    A fungal disease where black spots develop on rose plant leaves, which often turn yellow and drop early
  • Pathogen
    A microorganism such as bacteria, viruses, protists and fungi that can cause harm to an organism
  • Horticulturist
    An expert in plant cultivation and management
  • Insect
    A small invertebrate animal that can be a source of plant infection
  • Ion deficiency
    A lack of mineral ions that can lead to specific issues in a plant
  • Optimum conditions
    The conditions needed for an organism to thrive such as ideal mineral content in the soil for plant development
  • Stunted growth
    Growth that is not in keeping with average rates
  • Aphids
    An insect pest that infests plants and feeds from the phloem using needle-like mouthparts
  • Nitrate deficiency

    Causes stunted growth in plants
  • Magnesium deficiency

    Causes chlorosis in plants
  • Chlorosis
    Yellowing of leaves
  • Nitrate ions

    Needed by plants to synthesise proteins for growth
  • Magnesium ions

    Needed by plants to make chlorophyll for photosynthesis