Reproductive choices: Inheritance, variation and evolution: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (19)

  • Sexual reproduction
    The production of new living organisms by fusing gametes and by combining the genetic material of two individual parents
  • Asexual reproduction
    The production of new living organisms that are genetically identical to the parent, does not involve the fusion of gametes
  • Binary fission
    A method of asexual reproduction that is carried out by single-celled organisms such as bacteria
  • Advantages of sexual reproduction
    Produces variation, variation provides a survival advantage by natural selection, selective breeding can be used to increase food production
  • Advantages of asexual reproduction
    Saves energy and time, only one parent needed, faster than sexual reproduction, many identical offspring can be produced
  • Advantageous variation

    Sexual reproduction can produce variation in the offspring which can put some individuals at an advantage
  • Natural selection
    If an environment changes, variation can allow for natural selection where the fittest individuals are more likely to reproduce
  • Selective breeding

    Natural selection can be sped up artificially by humans via selective breeding to increase food production
  • Energy efficient
    Asexual reproduction conserves energy and saves time as only one parent is needed, so an organism does not have to search for a mate
  • Seasonal choices

    Some organisms change reproductive method depending on environmental and seasonal conditions
  • Favourable conditions
    Asexual reproduction typically occurs when environmental conditions are favourable, so many identical offspring can quickly be produced
  • Susceptible to environmental change
    Asexual organisms lack variation, meaning an entire population could be wiped out by a disease or sudden environmental change
  • Identical offspring
    The result of asexual reproduction where the process of mitosis leads to genetically identical individuals or clones
  • Non-identical offspring

    The result of sexual reproduction where the process of meiosis leads to individuals with genetic variations
  • Genetic variation
    Differences in the DNA between individuals which can result in different displayed characteristics
  • Strawberry plants
    Can reproduce asexually by the formation of runners or can reproduce sexually using flowers to produce fruits and seeds
  • Daffodils
    Can reproduce asexually by bulb division or sexually through flowering and pollination
  • Malarial parasite
    Reproduces asexually in the human host and sexually in the mosquito
  • Fungi
    Can reproduce asexually by spores but can also reproduce sexually to give variation