A process where individuals in a population display variations that put them at a biological advantage, increasing the chances that these individuals will successfully reproduce and pass on their adaptive traits
A change in the inherited characteristics of a population over time through the process of natural selection, can result in the formation of new species
Organisms that are less-well suited to their environments will need to use more effort to compete and survive, these less adapted organisms are more likely to die without reproducing
Fewer available mates, lack of resources such as food and water, predation or poaching by humans, competition with other species, environmental change, disease, catastrophic events
The sudden extinction of many organisms that is caused by a catastrophic event such as volcanic activity, extreme global temperature change or asteroid impact
Scientists believe we are currently experiencing a modern mass extinction, where many species are going extinct or are very likely to go extinct as a result of human activity and climate change
Antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains are more likely to survive and reproduce when exposed to antibiotics, where other bacteria will die and leave many resources unexploited
When exposed to antibiotics the majority of a bacterial population will be destroyed, however some individuals may survive and undergo mutations that can make them resistant to antibiotics
Bacteria can undergo genetic mutations that can affect their characteristics, as bacteria reproduce rapidly these mutations can quickly spread in a population
Doctors should not prescribe antibiotics inappropriately, patients should complete any courses of antibiotics to prevent mutations, farms should not use antibiotics on livestock