Ecology and food chains: Ecology: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (21)

  • Ecology
    The branch of biology that deals with relationships of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings
  • Photosynthesis
    Photosynthetic organisms such as plants or algae are the producers of biomass for life on Earth
  • Biomass
    The mass of living organisms in an ecosystem which is composed of all of the molecules an organism synthesises or gains from the consumption of other organisms
  • Food chain
    A diagram to show simple relationships in an ecosystem with a focus on the food sources of organisms, an arrow shows the transfer of energy or biomass along the food chain
  • Food web
    Multiple interconnected food chains that better represent the relationships of organisms in an ecosystem
  • Producer
    A plant or algal species that starts a food chain by synthesising molecules, specifically glucose that is produced via photosynthesis
  • Consumer
    An organism that eats another organism to gain molecules that can be used for energy and important biological processes
  • Primary consumer
    An animal that eats producers such as plants or algae
  • Secondary consumer
    An animal that eats primary consumers
  • Tertiary consumer
    An animal that eats secondary consumers
  • Herbivore
    An animal that eats plants, can also be referred to as a primary consumer
  • Carnivore
    An animal that eats other animals, can be a secondary or tertiary consumer
  • Omnivore
    An opportunistic animal that can eat both plants or other animals
  • Detritivore
    A type of decomposer that feeds on dead organic material such as plant detritus in the form of fallen leaves
  • Decomposer
    An organism responsible for the decay and breakdown of other dead organisms, so that important nutrients can be recycled
  • Prey
    An animal that is eaten by another animal called a predator
  • Predator
    A consumer that kills or eats other animals known as prey
  • Apex predator
    An animal at the top of a food chain or web, the apex predator has no predators of its own
  • Distribution and abundance of species
    Can be measured using a range of experimental methods using transects and quadrats
  • Stable community
    One where all the species and environmental factors are in balance so the population sizes remains fairly constant
  • Predator-prey relationship
    The interaction between an organism that eats another organism and the consequent effect one species has on the other