Global warming: Ecology: Biology: GCSE (9:1)

Cards (21)

  • Global warming
    The rising average temperature of Earth's global climate system
  • Climate change
    The term used to describe global warming and the effect that it has on the world
  • Greenhouse effect
    A process where specific gas molecules allow solar radiation to enter the atmosphere, but prevent the Earth's subsequent heat radiation from escaping into space
  • Greenhouse gases
    Carbon dioxide, water and methane prevent infrared radiation from escaping into space, causing the Earth to heat up
  • Correlation
    Scientists have identified that there is a correlation between climate change and the levels of greenhouse gases produced by human activity, however this does not indicate causation
  • Peer review
    The evaluation of work by several peers that are experts in a specific field, the scientific consensus on climate change has been based on thousands of peer reviewed publications
  • Combustion
    The burning of fossil fuels to provide energy for power stations to supply electricity, to make or destroy certain products or to provide power to vehicles
  • Fossil fuels
    Coal, oil and gas that are fossilised products of ancient organisms, contain high amounts of fixed carbon that would stay underground without human intervention
  • Deforestation
    Plants store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for photosynthesis, meaning deforestation prevents carbon dioxide levels from naturally decreasing
  • Burning peat
    The decay or burning of peat releases significant levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, that would normally have been locked up in peat bog areas
  • Methane from agriculture
    Cattle farms and rice fields are known sources of significant levels of methane, a greenhouse gas
  • Decomposition
    Microorganisms gradually break down organic matter and waste products or landfill, releasing high levels of carbon dioxide in the process
  • Melting of polar ice caps
    A consequence of global warming, melting ice caps could lead to sea levels rising and prevent solar radiation from naturally reflecting off of ice, increasing the Earth's temperature even more
  • Forest fires
    A consequence of global warming, fires in forests and heathlands are becoming more common and have a detrimental impact on biodiversity
  • Extreme weather
    A consequence of global warming, tropical storms and extreme droughts are likely to become more common as the climate changes
  • Flooding
    A consequence of global warming, more areas are expected to flood due to rising sea levels and increased rainfall in some areas
  • Diseases
    Tropical pathogens can spread to traditionally colder climates as the Earth's temperature increases, this has already been documented in a fungus that is fatal to amphibians
  • Ocean acidification
    A result of increased carbon dioxide levels in oceans, acidification is causing corals to bleach which can wipe out ecosystems
  • Extinction
    Climate change can lead to significant changes to environments and habitat loss which could result in the extinction of species that are unable to adapt
  • Seasonal changes
    Changes in the seasons could occur at irregular times which could confuse and devastate migrating organisms
  • Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions
    Using cleaner sources of energy such as wind farms or solar panels can reduce the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere