A diagram to show simple relationships in an ecosystem with a focus on the food sources of organisms, an arrow shows the transfer of energy or biomass along the food chain
A microorganism that breaks down dead plant and animal matter by secreting enzymes into the environment, small soluble food molecules can then diffuse into the microorganism
A pyramid that is constructed to represent the relative amount of biomass in each level of a food chain, trophic level 1 is at the bottom of the pyramid
The mass of living organisms in an ecosystem which is composed of all of the molecules an organism synthesises or gains from the consumption of other organisms
Not all ingested material is absorbed and some is egested as faeces, some absorbed material is lost as waste such as carbon dioxide and water during respiration or water and urea in urine
Less biomass and resources are available at higher trophic levels, which explains why there are far fewer individual apex predators than individuals at lower trophic levels