Nigeria 2

Cards (9)

  • What is the case study of a TNC in an NEE?
    Shell in Nigeria
  • Describe TNCs in Nigeria
    > 40 TNCs in Nigeria
    > Shell located in the Niger delta
    > Oil shipped to Europe for refinement
  • What are the economic advantages of Shell in Nigeria?
    > Major contributor of wealth from taxes
    > 65,000 direct jobs (250,000 indirect)
    > 91% contracts given to Nigerian companies
  • What are the social and economic disadvantages of Shell in Nigeria?
    > Bodo oil spill 08/09 spilt 11 million gallons over an area of 20km- shell paid £55 million in compensation
    > Spills damage farmland and pollute water = less crops/less fish = lower income
    > Gas flares used = increase rate of global warming and affects people’s health
  • Why is Aid given?
    > 100 million live on less than $1 a day (>60%)
    > Limited access to safe water, sanitation, reliable electricity in NE
  • What examples of aid is given in Africa to reduce the development gap?
    > 4% of aid given to Africa
    > Uk gave 360 million in 2014
    > Corruption can be an issue
  • What are Nets for life?
    > A malaria prevention program
    > 82,500 Nets in Abuja
    > Successful > community based, non government organisations
  • What is the impact of economic development?
    > 70-80% of forests destroyed
    > 10,000 illegal industries = pollution
    > lower biodiversity (cheetahs/giraffes, 500 plants)
  • What are the social impacts of economic development?
    > Quality of Life has increased.
    > HDI 0.47 —> 0.43, LE 46 —> 55 years
    > But inequality has widened (oil wealth)